Version Release Notes

Release Date: 8/7/2014

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software release on 8/7/2014.

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Applicant List Release Notes

Financial Report Writer Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Purchase Orders Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes

Accounts Payable

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added vendor address information to the Payables Invoice Account Distribution data source in Scribe. (Case 12797)

Bug Reports

1. If you used the Import from PO, Import from Recurring, or Import from Paid option to create an invoice, and if you edited items in the initial wizard, the program would incorrectly allow you to create the new invoice out of balance (that is, the total amount, detail amounts, and/or account distribution amounts might not total correctly). This has been corrected. (Case 3660)
2. Various vendor reports incorrectly showed the Street 2 field as the Street Address. This has been corrected. (Case 11699)
3. The program would return an error when users tried to access the Maintain Check/Voucher Format area in Setup. This has been corrected. (Case 11713)

Applicant List

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated the calculation of income limits, for Extremely Low Income families, based on a statutory definition change announced by HUD. Extremely Low Income families are now defined as families whose incomes do not exceed the higher of A) the Federal Poverty Level or B) 30 percent of Area Median Income. (Case 12953)

Financial Report Writer

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have updated the Financial Report Writer reports in WinTen²⁺ to support Per Unit Month (PUM) reporting. (Case 3761)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. HUD recently announced a statutory change to the frequency of required housing inspections, effective July 1, 2014. Inspections must now be conducted at least once every 24 months, instead of once every 12 months.

In response, we have changed new Annual Inspections to be scheduled every two years. When you complete an inspection, the program now automatically sets the Next Inspection Date to be two years in the future, instead of one year. This occurs only on completing an inspection. This program update makes no change to any Next Inspection Dates that already exist in your data. (Your agency does have the option to inspect more frequently, if you choose. To schedule an inspection more frequently than 24 months, you can edit a tenant’s Next Inspection Date field in the Section 8 Tenant & Landlord program, on the Tenant Data tab of the Maintain Tenants screen.) (Case 12915)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated the calculation of income limits, for Extremely Low Income families, based on a statutory definition change announced by HUD. Extremely Low Income families are now defined as families whose incomes do not exceed the higher of A) the Federal Poverty Level or B) 30 percent of Area Median Income. (Case 12953)
2. We have updated the following validations of eTrans records, based on recent changes announced by HUD: We have updated eTrans validation to ensure the head, co-head, or spouse is disabled when MS5 is selected as a special program. We make the same validation check when NED or NHT is selected as a special program, but also add a check to ensure that the person is not elderly. (Case 13174)


1. We have enhanced the ORC Member data source in Scribe to include project information (Project Name, Project Funding Increment, and HUD Project Number). (Case 12177)
2. We have implemented SSN masking on the Certification Listing, Recertification Due, and Pending Certification reports. (Case 12529)
3. We have added the " oAllowDE" policy in Setup ("Allows direct entry of households in ORC"). If your agency sets this policy to False, the system will prevent users from adding households directly into ORC, without housing them from a waiting list. (Case 12104)

Bug Reports

1. Reports using the ORC Income data source in Scribe would sometimes return too many results. This has been corrected. (Case 12322)
2. A bug caused the Street Name to be blank on various ORC reports in Scribe. This has been corrected. (Case 12514)
3. A bug caused the Max Rent calculation to be incorrect for Tax Credit tenants, because of using an incorrect Income Limit amount. This has been corrected. (Case 13424)


WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Report

1. New WinTen2 users added to the system and given access to the Payroll program could not access Bank Accounts in Payroll. This has been corrected. (Case 12106)

Purchase Orders

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added a Scribe data source for blanket purchase orders (Purchase Orders - Blanket). (Case 11773)

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have made changes to Utility Allowance calculations when the voucher size is smaller than the unit size. This is based on a cap announced by HUD on the utility allowance for families leasing oversized units. This change also allows the user to override the Utility Allowance for households with a disabled member. (Case 12916)

Bug Report

1. Clicking the Finish button multiple times on the Void Check wizard would cause the void to be listed multiple times in Check History and in the General Ledger program. This has been corrected. (Case 3866)

Tenant Accounts Receivable

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have enhanced the Deposit Policies tab of the Maintain Deposit Profile Setup screen to allow calculating a security deposit amount as a percentage of rent or of Total Tenant Payment (TTP). (Case 12261)

Bug Reports

1. Issues with header and column formatting caused parts of the PHAS Occupancy Rate (Date, AMP, Development, Unit) report to be unreadable. This has been corrected. (Case 12254)
2. The Account Summary Report would show amounts-due-now that were sometimes incorrect for certain types of accounts, such as escrow accounts. This has been corrected. (Case 391)
3. Vacant Unit reports did not correctly show information for non-dwelling units. This has been corrected. (Case 12256)

Work Orders

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. A bug in the mobile Work Order app for Android would allow users to select inventory items that had been inactivated in the Consumable Inventory program.This has been corrected. (Case 12829)

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An MRI Software Company